

❝the world shall tremble❞

The speaker of the Convocation of Fourteen. Once a man respected by his peers, the very essence of his being has decayed as a result of his own recklessness. Through many vessels and many worlds he has blazed his trail. Many call his actions madness, he considers them progress towards his greater goal: to bring about the Ardor and arrive one step closer to returning his world to its whole.


"I am Lahabrea of the Ascians, servant to the one true god."

Lahabrea Celebrant | Crystal | Balmung

❝across many vessels and many worlds he blazed his trail❞






"The time is come. We shall rewrite the laws of creation.
And we shall save our star."

The speaker of the convocation as he was known before the Final Days and subsequent sundering. Lahabrea is a man well-respected by his peers, though he holds all who surround him at arm's-length. Lahabrea was trained in advanced phantomology from a young age by his predecessor, the previous Lahabrea, leading to him being socially recluse. His interests lie in pushing creation magic to its absolute limit, in spite of the potential detriments such experiments could bring to the society he swore to protect.

"My flames shall raze your very soul!"

The maddened shadow of a bygone era. Lahabrea is one of three ancients spared from Venat's sundering of the star. Being the architect of the primal, Zodiark, Lahabrea's mind began to fray, tempered in the wake of his summoning. Though he shares with his brothers the desire to make his world whole again, as Zodiark's most devout follower he sees to enact revenge on Hydaelyn for her mutiny against his god. He wears many faces in order to accomplish his duty, and prefers his vessels to be amongst the living.

"A pity you spent it all, hero."

The dying light of an age gone, but not forgotten. After the betrayal of Archibishop Thordan VII, Lahabrea's very being was absorbed into one of Nidhogg's eyes in order to enact the summoning of primal avatar, Thordan I. After the Warrior of Light defeated Thordan, Lahabrea found himself trapped inside of Nidhogg's eye. Upon their destruction by Estinien's hand, Lahabrea was able to make his escape. With both of his fellow unsundered defeated, he slinks in the shadows barely able to keep a grip on mind and soul. His memories taking an especially heavy impact.

❝Nothing. I was only thinking how similar Lahabrea was to his creations❞

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❝and a renowned orator besides!❞


basic info:name "Master" Lahabrea
alias The Abyssal Celebrant
gender Fluid, He / Him
oriention Uninterested in Mortal Flesh
allegiance Lord Zodiark, the one true god

personality:disposition Unkind, in his own head. Tends towards coldness, segues to madness post-sundering
primary goal To protect the society he cares for; enact the Ardor and bring about the rejoining
relationships Mourns for his son, lost by Hydaelyn's hand. No significant relationship with Athena, Erichthonios' mother. Would do anything to protect his fellow unsundered, as they would him. Sees the sundered Ascians as imperfect recreations of their original convocation members and treats them with coldness and needing for his guidance.


Lahabrea is my main character on Crystal. I may not always be in character, and I use him for savage raiding. Please keep this in mind and be respectful!Consent is always required when interacting with me. While I do not personally ship Lahabrea with anyone in particular, I love to indulge others in their ships and provide an authentic Lahabrea experience to all of his fans. Please ask me before interacting with him in a romantic or sexual fashion.My personal headcanon is that Erichthonios was lost in the sundering and that Lahabrea is the same Lahabrea that created the Phoenix. While I appreciate all forms of speculation regarding Pandaemonium, please keep this in mind when interacting with me.I greatly appreciate fans of Lahabrea and love to interact whenever possible. I tend towards the shy side but positive interactions are always welcome. Thank you for reading my carrd.